The very first thing we did was the very technical fun stuff's introduction of our professor Mason in the dark lit class room.
Temperature Scales F to C or vice versa
This was shown in class to help calculate the temperature equation of Tf=9/5Tc+32 but instead our group calculated Tc=5/9Tf-160/9 Which is shown below
Temperature Scales F to C or vice versa |
This was from the calculation of Fahrenheit to Celsius. |
Our first prediction using molarity to prove that CH4 is inert and totally lighter than air that consist about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and less than 1% of argon and with perhaps some organic chemicals we human breathed out. |
We predicted The direction of how the bubbled will go if it is put through a flame thrower.
Methane Bubble
However, the Fire bubble did not behave as we expected: instead it only expanded in all direction as if in the same rate and burned the ceiling of the class. |
In this picture, we predicted how the mixture of 50 gram 65C tap water and 50 gram of 25C tap water would result. |
According to calculations, we have a weighted average of the two with their respective weight and calculated 45C to be the final liquid temperature as it reach equilibrium.
From picture here, teacher ran the experiment and the result approximately similar to our calculated result of 45C.
This was the second part of the same mixture problem, in which we mixed more cold than hot to see how it theoretically come out the final temperature.
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The Aluminum Coke Can in a Jug Experiment
We ran experiment of the Aluminum coke can experiment with two probes: one attached into the aluminum coke while the second attached into the colder tap water. As one can see, there is a jiggle in the graph of red temperature, and that is mostly because of the shaking action that somehow let the probe in the can touch the heater thus a quick conduction of heat with a can as a barrier rose up in temperature. However, it is interesting to note that there is a jiggle in the outside tap water's temperature as well, which could most likely be explained as the two temperature probe simulataneously touched the heater at different spot thus result different magnitude of temperature increase. |
Later, teacher approved this drawing of what happened in the molecular level. |
We drew the molecules similar to theirs with a more realistic environment. |
From the experimental experience of aluminum coke can, we further consolidated our understanding through making liquid of Nalgene bottle stay cooler longer. And several interesting ideas were thought of. |
Heat vs Temperature equations and solving problems
In this picture, we calculated the heat flows of copper and aluminum bar. |
We did a Watt to energy conversion within 20 seconds of time. |
Heat Transfer as Energy Exchange:
The heater(immersion coil) and power detector. |
The temperature will be rising up slowly as heat goes up almost at the same rate then it plateaus at both ends because the temperature not changing while heat is the same |
This was the Heat per unit Mass vs Temperature graph that showed 4.70J/g/C which one is remarkably simlar to specific heat of water. |