Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lab 18 ->Function generator and speaker. Activities from lab book, Mystery box solution, Error analysis

Setup of the Variac, photon beam deflector apparatus. 

Presentation of how photon beam deflector works.

Function generator
Hooking function generator to speaker for various range of sound in frequency outputs. 

Presenting the fluctuations of sounds through vibration of coils with approximately 8 ohm inside the speaker vibrating at frequency indicated by function generator.

Activities from Lab book

 Mystery box
The middle one was tricky because it shows in function generator but not in multimeter.
Pic of square wave

Sine wave

First beginning to setup

30 hz similar to 3d scoop. 

60 hz similar to a 3d rotated ring.
Error analysis: the errors are not necessarily solvable with variables given because all the apparatus required people to operate and every error is inside each apparatus's specification, thus there were no propagation of errors in operating but there is propagation of error in finding hz and divisions of amplitude of wave forms. From operational point of view, the error can come from apparatus, because there are noise of surrounding. And that noise transformed to the fluctuation as if quantum uncertainty of the waveform distributions as shown in apparatus. Ultimately, the error is derived purely by the environment disturbance and thus we had to be provided with better connector oscilloscope cables to minimize error in this experiment.

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