Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day20 ->Bar magnets, Magnetized pins experiment , Units learned and review, Experimental Excel data sheets with error analysis, presentation of application of various magnets

He is a bar magnet example 
He is acting as the "bar" "magnet"

Drawing field lines 
Prediction of iron filling and distribution of magnetic field lines.
Actual iron filament interact electrically with electric field lines of magnetic force. 

Magnetized pins experiment 

Even after two cuts in half there the smaller is still magnetized although it seems not that strong in the beginning due to the magnetic field lines.

Units learned and review
Units: SI: T = Tesla = N/(A . m)
G = Gauss = 0.1 mT
Velocity of electron: V(m/s), F(m/s2(N))
V cross B vectors =F vector
Units of constant k calculations?
B: tesla
F: units of F 
A: amp(C/s)
k units : charge!

Rules of right hand rule, positive charge for right hand and negative for inverse of right hand force vector or the left hand rule. Usually question states negative charge.

The force is enacted by the right hand rule. in which x symbolizes the arrow point away from page while dot present arrow point out from the page.

Experimental Excel data sheets with error analysis

Experiment called for cutting the semi circle into 15 parts.

Collection of excel spreadsheet through calculation of 15 different segments.

In this part of lab, the total force on a wire was found by estimation from using a excel spreadsheet. The semicircular wire was calculated of its net force by having 15 segments. θ, sinθ , and F were found for each segment and summed up (refer to the excel picture above). The force can be observed that a maximum at 90 degrees and a minimum on the sides. The equation is net force=BIsin(theta)dl.

Error analysis: The error from this part of the experiment is that there is no error in the calculation, however when propagation method was used in board and applied in maple, the variables in here will not have error inherently but rather from experimental, thus this calculated value is truly an estimate of the broad range of possible error.

Deflection of photon beam by the use of magnetic field B. Similar to a current deflected, which the beam is acting as particle.

Demo of student built horn antenna from taking cover of microwave outer parts off to broadcast 2k watts signals.
North pole is in the front so the wire going from left to right is exerted by a force downward.

Horshoe magnet deflection demonstration. And this one's north pole is in the back has has the wire deflected force upward.

Lorenz Force(French) 
vector F=q vecV cross vecB
describes force on a moving charge

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