Thursday, October 30, 2014

Lab 19 ->oscilloscope warm up, NPN transistor(depletion zones), The Low Pass Filter, Diode circuit explanation.

We used Ashua's Oscilloscope to learn Voltage current in their relationship with power output.
From this part, we had draw a NPN transistor.

Here, we build a amplifier through the schematics shown in class.:

In physics, the graph of V vs Frequency, we dont count in more than 5 because it reaches good enough efficiency.

For these pictures, the analog oscilloscope was hooked to the function generator to see if similar patterns were recreated in the oscilloscope.

Low Pass Filter

The Low Pass Filter
A circuit was constructed by .1 uF capacitor and 22K resistor. By a tone generator app, one can see the low pass filter can help generate the graph of V vs. Frequency and other important applications when changing the frequency becomes important.
Image result for low pass filter
A more pronouced version of low pass filter.

Diode circuit explanation.
Showing Light bulb light up and as the proportional relationship with lumens vs voltage input from 3 to 4.5 volts of electricity from input box.
This was showing the example of closing the depletion zone and jump of voltage from 0 to 1.2 volts and suddenly the led bulb lights up at 1.35 volts.

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