Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 21 ->Motor Kit, Demonstration setup for magnetic field's effect on wire, Forces on a wire line of charge

Visuals of electric motor with essential parts: battery, contact, split ring conmutator, coil winding wires.
Electric motor setup for stator and commutator.
Motor Kit

The two above shows how stable input device is by VI= power

Principle of magnetic gear to reduce frictional inefficiency.

Demonstration setup for magnetic field's effect on compass
All the compass point in the direction of N to S
 Professor Mason uses rod of current to effect the several compasses he placed around it.  In the video below, the arrows of the compasses make a circular path around it, thus mapping magnetic field from electric field. When the direction of the current is switched, the arrows change directions as well. The right hand rule is used to determine direction.  Demo proves the statement above, that a line of current heavily supports circular magnetic field. 

Forces on a wire line of charge
Demo of the wires with 1, 2, 3, 4
 Three spots predicted by RHR. At the top, no magnetic field because the two currents are canceling out from up and down current. When asked the wire on the right edge, there are two currents going in the same direction and it enhances magnetic field. When you go to the area in the middle, there is a magnetic field going through the center of coil.
Conclusion, line creates circular magnetic field, while circle creates line magnetic field.

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