trajectory of electron into two plates
Electron passing a E field. |
Double torque on two side. |
This is called a electric dipole pair at angle. with the formula \tau=pEsin(\phi). p is the diagonal vector connecting the two F and F-.
Also, the magnitude of the torque depends on the angle between the p and E which is \phi. Also, the angle of\phi 90 is the maximum torque for the system of electric dipole system.

Calculation steps.
Steps of derivations of hollow sphere of flux.
Faraday's Cage
Faraday's cage. Setup. |
Fraday's cage explanation. in flux's perspective. |
As shown above, the inside of the aluminum foil in the cage did not move at all, but the ones outside did move a by approximately 4 cm away from cylinder. We predicted wrong because we did not take into account of shielding. We concluded there is a shielding for the inside and the foils on outside were pushed even further because inside foil did not move.
E field flux of two point positive and negative particles.
Needle bed
Closeup of needle bed when teacher sit on it. |
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Overall, needle bed is a flux model. The nails are all normal to the surface and think that each nail is a flux line normal to the surface as an electric field vector. Then when it is 90 degree angle, as the rectangular shaped empty surface goes through nail, the electric field vectors are maximum. However, when the surface of empty rectangular is parallel to the modeled flux lines the field vectors are zero.
This one works with Flux as it has to be perpendicular to the surface to flow out at the same rate just as the force is the same at every point of needle so professor doesnt get hurt sitting on it. |
Active Physics
Questions of Active physics calculated on the board. |
Electric field lines for 1 nC is 5 and has 15 if there is 3 nC. Also, there were 5 field lines for -1 nC. Thus , it was concluded from beginning there were 5 lines representing each charge.
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