Thursday, September 11, 2014

Lab 5 Heat Engine ->Candle phenomenon, Work done by Gases from different temperature gas inside flask and glass jar with candle falling down, Rubber, Heat engine and demonstration<-

Candle phenomenon

 All three above are the predictions of the processes and the outcome of the candle experiment.

Active physics Questions Answered.

4 Main types of processes and their PV

Calculations of work done by gas.

More of work done by gas calculations.

Setup for the candle with my lighter
The candle was 

Setup for candle 
The candle was not because
the combustion process
makes air flow into the big tube
and CO2 out of small tube. 
Materials for candle experiment.
Candle went out fast due to
lack of air (O2) flowing into the tube.

Work done by Gases from different temperature gas inside flask and glass jar with candle falling down

From this experiment, we learned that flask. 

Device for isobaric process
Professor Mason is changing the volume slowly for this one to have a isothermal process. 
From this experiment, we learned to use the formula of W=Q=P1V1ln(V2/v1) for only isothermal systems. Furthermore the numerical answer we got -2.58J. it is negative because work is done on the system.

Shorter video of same setup.

Rubber, Heat engine and demonstration
Rubber heating process (cycle) for
understanding First law of Thermodynamic for creating a autonomous process.
Custom Heat engine example made by Tommy.

Demonstration of Tommy's Heat

Simple multi-step heat engine calculation for Q, Eint and work.

List of Possible future test variable to calculate for isothermal prcesses.

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